Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractor Houston TX’
Welcome to Westside Medical Centers of Texas's Chiropractor Houston TX Archive. Here you can learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Chiropractor Houston TX for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (281) 493-2535.
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Jul 14, 2015 | Health Articles

Flashback from the eighties - a girl wearing a full back brace for scoliosis and trying to get a sip of water from a drinking fountain. At the time it was painfully funny and not so far fetched. Unfortunately the event was even more real for the 5 to 7 million people in the United ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Jul 12, 2015 | Office News

by Dr. Frederick Savard | Jul 7, 2015 | Health Articles

Visions of our grandparents in their rocking chairs or stools are becoming more and more of a myth. Extinct is their acceptance of getting old gracefully. Do not let their gray hair fool you. This generation of seniors is not taking age lying down; so take a moment learn from their wisdom on how Americans ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Jun 30, 2015 | Health Articles

Are you suffering with pain for so long that your constant search has led you no closer to the real problem?
The first thing you do know is that the pain is real and you also find that...
It can be intermittent or constant
It can be sharp, dull, in one spot or over a broader area
It can ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Jun 25, 2015 | Health Articles

We have all experienced the dreaded pins and needles after we have sat on our feet too long or laid on our hands incorrectly. But what if that severe irritating intense buzzing pain did not resolve after a few minutes and began to radiate up our arms or legs? Simply said, it would make our ...