Posts Tagged ‘Houston TX Pins and Needles’
Welcome to Westside Medical Centers of Texas's Houston TX Pins and Needles Archive. Here you can learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Houston TX Pins and Needles for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (281) 493-2535.
by Dr. Frederick Savard | May 21, 2015 | Health Articles

Summer vacation is near! The excitement of warm weather and the well needed break from school or work is upon us. As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Apr 23, 2015 | Health Articles

Have you ever been walking along and caught your full body's side profile in a reflective surface? At first glance we are worried about our hair, our clothes, or worse - "look how fat and out of shape I am".
Now look again closer. Is your chin out in front of your shoulders and chest? Worse yet, ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Sep 25, 2014 | Health Articles

Ouch! Being pinched hurts, but to pinch a nerve? Ugh! That must feel like severe, intense pain – and it often does. “Pinched” nerves could happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles and internal organs, and can affect your general ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Sep 2, 2014 | Health Articles

In today's busy world we and others around us can easily be distracted. When we are distracted we have no present time consciousness and this can lead to accidents caused or experienced. The impact often involves a sharp or sudden jolt in which our body, neck and head are not prepared for. These distractions can ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | May 22, 2014 | Health Articles

Spring Break is near. The excitement of warm weather and a well needed break from school or work is upon us. This Spring as you travel to your get away destination prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of your holiday.
How to Avoid - " I need a vacation to recover from ...