Posts Tagged ‘Houston TX Chiropractors’
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by Dr. Frederick Savard | Feb 28, 2013 | Health Articles

People often talk about the importance of growing old gracefully, but that’s made a lot harder if you’re not also growing old healthily. In fact, if you are healthy, you could grow old disgracefully, and it would be a lot more fun.
But seriously, we have an aging population. Today, there are far more older people ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Dec 6, 2012 | Health Articles

Pregnancy exerts a significant toll on the body, and muscle strains are commonly reported. With an average weight gain during pregnancy of 25 to 35 pounds, coupled with the internal shifting caused by a growing baby, it is no surprise that pregnant women may end up in severe discomfort. Figures reveal that around 50% of ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Oct 4, 2012 | Health Articles

In today’s age of health and fitness, more and more kids are involved in sporting activities. Although being part of a football, soccer or Little League team is an important rite of passage for many children, parents and their children could be overlooking the importance of proper nutrition and body-conditioning needed for ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Sep 27, 2012 | Health Articles

Whiplash is a generic term applied to injuries of the neck caused when the neck is suddenly and/or violently jolted in one direction and then another, creating a whip-like movement. Whiplash is most commonly seen in people involved in motor vehicle accidents, but it can also occur from falls, sports injuries, work injuries, and other ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Aug 21, 2012 | Health Articles

Years ago, doctors hardly ever told rheumatoid arthritis patients to "go take a hike" or "go for a swim." Arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it's time to slow down. But not so anymore. Recent research and clinical findings show that there is much ...