Posts Tagged ‘Houston TX Chiropractor’
Welcome to Westside Medical Centers of Texas's Houston TX Chiropractor Archive. Here you can learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Houston TX Chiropractor for the health of it.
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by Dr. Frederick Savard | Apr 22, 2014 | Health Articles

Are you sitting in the stands watching the game due to pain? Our lifestyles of wanting to work and play full out are sometimes hampered due to the wear and tear on our bodies. One such repetitive injury suffered most often is Tendonitis.
What is Tendonitis?
Our tendons are made of strong, ropy fibers of collagen that ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Apr 1, 2014 | Health Articles

Spring cleaning has begun for most Americans. Not many people like doing the housework. For most, it’s a real pain in the aaah … what’s the word? Sacroiliac. But it’s not just the disruption it causes to your longed-for life of leisure; it really can be a pain. Literally. So this year plan to keep ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Mar 6, 2014 | Health Articles

March is here and Spring is in the air! As we are eagerly ready to come out of hibernation jump in and spring clean your health. There is no better way to rejuvenate your health than by eating more nutritiously. In fact, even a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Dec 31, 2013 | Health Articles

The physical demand for water polo is extremely high. Water polo players are expected to spend nearly 1 hour and 15 minutes in a pool whilst covering distances of over 4 kilometers. The level of physical contact is also high, both above and below the water. The player have to shoot and pass the ball ...
by Dr. Frederick Savard | Dec 26, 2013 | Health Articles

Have you ever experienced sciatica? Where the pain seems to radiate down your leg to your foot, the medical term for this is actually "radiculitis". It may not be the most common nerve pain, but it causes extreme pain and discomfort for those that experience it.
Radiating pain is actually caused when a nerve or nerve ...