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Go The Distance With Chiropractic
by Dr. Frederick Savard

Read Go The Distance With Chiropractic by Dr. Frederick Savard to learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas and our Chiropractic office in Houston, TX.

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Healthcare Houston TXAs an athlete prepares for a big race, the excitement can begin with the pulling tight of the laces on the track shoes.  The heart pounds a little louder as a quietness falls over you and the mental vision of the race pushes your thoughts of  “I am READY!”

But are you really ready?  Have you prepared to the best of your ability?

Today, the greatest athletes have added the next level to their preparedness – a Chiropractic and Physical Coaching Team which may include Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, and Physical Trainers.  This conglomeration of expertise prepares the body to maximize performance by keeping their body in the correct alignment for the most enjoyment and maximum benefit which has led them to be the new top 1%!

How Can I Increase My Performance Quotient?

In order to get the most out of the valuable time you spend exercising, we want to ensure that your musculoskeletal system is working effectively and efficiently. Bones, joints, and muscles need to be able to go through a full range of motion in order to exercise properly. Any limitation of mobility might cause an injury, which would not only be painful but would set back your normal exercise schedule.

A healthy spine and posture is so important and especially critical for athletes, or anyone who exercises regularly. Many people are unaware that they can have a difference of 2 to 10 pounds in their weight distribution.  Add the pressure of running, riding or any other sport and over time and major damage can occur.

Regular chiropractic care is designed to create balance in the body and helps you enjoy a full exercise program and reap all the benefits that exercise brings by helping make sure that your muscles, bones, and joints are working to their best ability.

A Perfect Example

The Ironman Triathlon is regarded as one of the toughest races a human can do. Needless to say, the athletes that compete in the Ironman Triathlon have to be in the best shape. Chiropractic care has helped many Ironman athletes in the race and has allowed their bodies to be pushed to the limit over and over again.

The Ironman Triathlon World Championship is held every year in Kona, and many of the athletes qualify for a slot by being among the top finishers in their age bracket at one of the worldwide competitions. This race has found incredible value and in Chiropractic and has ensured that Chiropractors are always on hand to treat injuries and remove obstacles that may prohibit an athlete from performing at their peak. A range of techniques are found to be used, including standard chiropractic adjustments and the Active Release Technique (ART).

Lisa Walker, a woman in her early 50s from Edmonds, WA, credits Florida chiropractor Dr. Dan with allowing her to compete in the World Championships. “I met Dr. Dan in the ART tent the week before the race.  He explained that without a healthy, efficient spine the body cannot work to its full capacity.  The spine is the body’s foundation and the position of the spinal bones will help dictate where the weight placement and the pressure on each of the other joints such as knees, hips, head rotation affected could be.  I had issues with both shoulders and my right foot. Dr. Dan fixed me up so well I went back two more times just to see him about the issue. I really appreciated what he did for me because it gave me back my confidence in both swimming and my run. This was my 4th time in Kona and I ended up with a 7th place AG finish, a personal record (PR) and a Boston marathon qualifying time by 11 minutes on the run.”

Chiropractic Works!

Chiropractic care is a vital part of the training for most Ironman athletes and without it they would be unable to compete.  Having a chiropractor is a huge benefit for any athlete or weekend warrior as they can experience optimum spinal health, which in turn will lead to peak performance, the quickest recovery time from injuries and an overall feeling of healthiness.

Ready to Race!

If you are partaking in a sport that includes running, where efficient coordination of movement is paramount, a chiropractic checkup should be vital to see if you are getting the most out of your efforts in both training and racing.  If you are in competitive running sports we further recommend a chiropractor who uses X-rays to accurately assess pelvic alignment and leg-length difference, which are extremely important to running at your peak potential and avoiding unnecessary injury.

So lace up!  Our team is ready to help you achieve your 1%!

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For Your Health,

Dr. Frederick Savard

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