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Welcome to Westside Medical Centers of Texas's Health Articles Archive. Here you can learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Health Articles for the health of it.

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Power Off Neck Pain

Neck Pain Houston TX

Would it not be wonderful to turn off pain as easy as pressing an "Off "button?  Reach back and touch at the base of your neck - do you have a bump? If so, you may have found the button to your headache and neck pain.  This bump is an unattractive mass of fat and ...


Stealthy Sugars

Diet Advice Houston TX

The typical modern diet and activity level creates regular occurrences of unhealthy blood sugar levels in your body.  Blood sugar is a term used to describe the amount of the sugar glucose that is in currently in your blood.  Glucose is the primary sugar, or carbohydrate, in your body. When you eat food, nutrients are ...


Helping You Return to Your Game from Tendonitis

Tendonitis Houston TX

Are you sitting in the stands watching the game due to pain?  Our lifestyles of wanting to work and play full out are sometimes hampered due to the wear and tear on our bodies.  One such repetitive injury suffered most often is Tendonitis. What is Tendonitis? Our tendons are made of strong, ropy fibers of collagen that ...


All Stressed Out! – Get the Chiropractic Solution!

Stress Relief Houston TX

Our lives today have become congested and overrun with stress.  The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects.  Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between what ...


Sleep Your Way to a Better Weight

Houston TX Sleep Wellness

You may have heard that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to gain weight.  How exactly does this happen?  Our body is maintained by a series of delicate balances that help us maintain a set “level” that keeps us healthy.  Many of these set points are balanced by hormones that regulate ...


Commit to Better Health

Weight Loss Houston TX

Let's Spring into Health! Do you want to lose that stubborn weight?  Did you promise yourself that this year you would get into shape?  Do you want to feel young again and enjoy your health and life? It can happen.  But, it is up to you to make a change.  Do something different.  It comes down to ...


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