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Welcome to Westside Medical Centers of Texas's Health Articles Archive. Here you can learn more about Westside Medical Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Health Articles for the health of it.

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Heal Like A Pro

Houston TX Heal like a Pro

Whether it is the roar of the crowds in the stadium or just in your local gym or field we love to play like our heroes - the pros.  Unfortunately,  the downside is that sometimes our over zealous activity can lead to injury, either because we are new to it, we push beyond our limits, or ...


Spotting the Unicorn – The Slipped Disc

Slipped Dics Houston TX Disc Injury

Very often patients present in our office with what they have described as a "slipped disc". As with the fairy tale of slipped discs they are also searching for the magic wand to wave and fix the severe pain that is attributed to this "slipped" disc.  Thank goodness we are trained experts in helping you not ...


The Frozen Shoulder and Neck Pain Blues

Frozen Shoulder Houston TX Neck Pain

The dog days of summer are here!  At this time of year we should be in full swing and enjoying the benefits of the sun and outdoor activities.  Unfortunately many of us are sitting on the sidelines or taking medication to play through the pain.  One main culprit is neck pain and what is described ...


The Secret – Chiropractic

Houston Westside Chiropractic Care

Have you ever forgotten how to do a simple math equation or looked a word and it simply looked incorrect? These are functions of our conscious mind. Self help books reveal how to improve our memory, increase our vocabulary or sharpen our mental acuity. These books may help because, as we all know, our conscious mind ...


Avoid Allergies Naturally Right from the Start

Allergy Relief Houston Westside

Finally summer is here!  But with the great weather that arrived late this year so did  the massive pollen levels that are causing an historic spike in cases of seasonal allergy, also known as allergic rhinitis.  Bad news for those of us who anxiously awaited to emerge from our winter cocoons and enjoy the great outdoors. Allergies ...


Addressing Chronic Inflammation, Naturally!

Chronic Inflammation Houston Westside

Our Team this summer would like to help you better understand a chronic inflammatory response and explain how it manifests in the body based on two triggers: genetics and lifestyle. Our family history can provide us with a sneak peak of which health issues we may be at increased risks for developing. However, our lifestyle ...


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